Condensed milk cheese flower bread

Condensed milk cheese flower bread


These Condensed milk cheese flower bread are so pretty. Make them to celebrate Spring or to surprise a loved oneThey are not only good looking but also very soft and buttery.


  • 280g high-gluten flour
  • 30g condensed milk
  • 55g eggs
  • 20g caster sugar
  • 125g milk
  • 25g milk powder
  • 3g salt
  • 3g dry yeast
  • 20g butter
  • 100g cream cheese for filling


  1. Put the egg liquid, sugar, condensed milk, milk, milk powder, and salt into the mixing bowl of a chef’s machine, then add flour, and put dry yeast on top. The cooker starts the program to form flour into dough.
  2. After the dough is smooth, add room temperature softened butter. Continue to beat the dough.
  3. Until the dough becomes smooth again and a large, firm mask can be pulled out of the dough.
  4. Divide into 20 equal parts, each one is about 28 grams
  5. Take a piece of dough, make a nest with your hands, put in an appropriate amount of cheese, like making an egg yolk puff pastry, seal it tightly and place it into a 4-inch cheese mold.
  6. Put into a group of 5 pieces into the mold. If the round cannot be squeezed, you can roll the round slightly higher and put it down. Make sure that the 5 small rounds of dough are evenly placed into the mold.
  7. Place in the fermentation box at a temperature of 35 degrees and a humidity of 75%, and ferment for about 45 minutes. Or put a bowl of warm water in the oven to ferment.
  8. Depending on the temperature, don’t rely too much on time. We can also observe the state of the bread. The dough has grown significantly and is almost flush with the mold. The surface of the bread is very elastic when touched lightly. The fermentation is complete.
  9. You can sift a layer of high-gluten flour on the top, or you can use the central control die to sift out nice-looking flour patterns.
  10. lace in the oven that has been preheated to 180 degrees, heat up and down to 180 degrees, and bake for about 23 minutes
  11. At the end of the process, let it dry for a while, then you can unmold it, continue to put it on the drying net, and let it cool.