Pound castella

Pound castella


Castella is a moist and sweet confectionery with a layer of glitter on the bottom.This recipe is easy to make at home using a pound mold and only uses two eggs.


  • Whole eggs 100g (2 medium size)
  • Caster sugar 60g
  • Honey 20g
  • Milk 10g
  • Strong flour 40g
  • Light flour 20g


  1. Line a pound mold with baking paper and sprinkle the gravy evenly on the bottom.
  2. Place whole eggs and caster sugar in a bowl, heat over a double boiler and stir with a whisk until it reaches 38℃.
  3. Remove from the hot water bath and whisk at high speed with a hand mixer for about 3 minutes.
  4. Mix the honey and milk that has been heated in a hot water bath well.When the honey is warm and smooth, it will blend into the batter and be easier to mix.
  5. Add honey and milk to the batter all at once.
  6. Beat with a hand mixer on high speed for another 5 minutes. When you scoop up the dough and drop it, it leaves ribbon-like streaks.(Please adjust the time depending on the power of your hand mixer)
  7. Add another 1 minute on low speed to adjust the texture.
  8. Add the sifted strong flour and soft flour, and mix until there are no lumps left using the whisk.
  9. Once the flour is gone, mix again about 70 to 80 times.
  10. Mix by rotating the bowl counterclockwise, making sure to scoop up the mixture from the bottom.The batter will be smooth and will run smoothly when scooped.
  11. Pour the batter into the pound mold, and use a bamboo skewer to deflate the dough by going 5 times vertically and 5 times horizontally.
  12. The pound type cooks well, so wrap it in aluminum foil.
  13. Bake in a preheated oven at 180℃ for 10 minutes, then lower the temperature to 160℃ and bake for another 25 minutes.It’s OK if the top is nicely browned and the dough doesn’t stick when inserted with a bamboo skewer.
  14. Remove from the oven and drop the mold twice from a height of about 10cm.
  15. Unmold by inverting onto a baking sheet. Take off the heat as it is.
  16. Once it has cooled down, wrap it in plastic wrap to prevent it from drying out. If you leave it top side down, the weight will flatten it.