pumpkin stuffed toast bread recipes

Pumpkin stuffed toast bread


I love baking, and in the world of baking I love making bread the most. Making bread is time-consuming and energy-consuming, but the finished product always gives people great satisfaction and surprise. I have tried pumpkin bread a lot, and I feel that bread with pumpkin will be very soft, with the fragrance of pumpkin, golden color, and very beautiful. Using fresh pumpkin puree instead of commercially available pumpkin powder will taste better and healthier. The recipe I shared today uses a large piece of pumpkin, including the pumpkin filling in the sandwich, which is also fried by myself. Although it is not easy to make, the moment you eat it, you will feel that all your efforts are worth it.


  • 250g high-gluten flour
  • 3g high-sugar tolerant yeast powder
  • 10g milk powder
  • 30g fine sugar
  • 90g pumpkin puree
  • 3g salt
  • 35g egg liquid
  • 65g milk
  • 20g butter

Pumpkin filling

  • 160g pumpkin puree
  • 15g whipping cream
  • 20g granulated sugar


  1. Prepare pumpkin puree in advance. Wash and peel the pumpkin, steam it in a pot, and some juice will come out on the plate. Pour it out. Put the remaining pumpkin into a fresh-keeping bag so it won’t get hot and you can easily press it into puree.
  2. Put the pumpkin puree, granulated sugar and whipped cream in a non-stick pan, stir-fry over low heat until it is dry, like the red bean paste filling, and put it in a small bowl for later use.
  3. Knead the dough again. Put the dry ingredients, high-gluten flour, milk powder, fine sugar, salt, and high-sugar tolerant yeast powder in the recipe into the kneading bowl of the chef machine and mix well.
  4. Then add wet ingredients, pumpkin puree, milk, egg liquid, and knead the dough with a chef machine. Stir well at low speed first, then turn to high speed to beat the dough.
  5. Knead until you can pull out a large film, but the film is relatively rough. If you poke a hole with your finger, the edge of the hole is jagged. In this state of 80% toughness, add the softened butter in advance and continue kneading the dough.
  6. Finally, knead it until it is 100% tough enough to be pulled out into a large piece of thin glove film.
  7. Round the kneaded dough and cover it with plastic wrap for the first fermentation at room temperature.
  8. hen the dough is fermented to 2.5 times its original size, use your finger to dip in flour and poke holes on the surface of the dough. The dough should not collapse and the holes should not shrink.
  9. Take out the dough and gently press to release the air, divide it into four equal portions, roll each portion into a ball, cover the surface with plastic wrap and let it rest for 15 minutes (the dough needs to be covered with plastic wrap during the whole operation to prevent moisture loss and dryness of the surface)
  10. Take a piece of dough and roll it into a rectangle
  11. Divide the fried stuffing into four equal parts, take one part and spread it evenly on the surface
  12. Roll up from top to bottom, pinch both ends and the edges tightly, and roll up the four pieces of dough one by one.
  13. Put the dough in a 250g toast box. You can make two. If it is a 450g toast box, the recipe can make one.
  14. For the second fermentation, turn on the fermentation function of the oven , select the temperature of 35 degrees, and put a warm water tray inside for the second fermentation
  15. Ferment until 80% to 90% full
  16. Sieve a layer of milk powder on the surface
  17. Preheat the oven in advance, 170 degrees for the upper fire and 220 degrees for the lower fire, bake for 30 minutes on the middle and lower layers. You can cover the surface with tin foil after the color is satisfactory.
  18. After the toast comes out of the oven, shake it a few times to shake out the heat and prevent it from shrinking, then pour it on a wire rack to cool.
  19. Slice and seal. If you can’t finish it, freeze it. It is very soft, fragrant and delicious.