Tiramisu with pasteurized eggs recipes

Tiramisu with pasteurized eggs


Tiramisu with pasteurized eggs is one of the most famous and loved desserts in the world. The origins are uncertain but its wonderful mascarpone cream with a unique and unmistakable taste makes this dessert inimitable!


  • 500 g mascarpone
  • 5 eggs
  • 250 g ladyfingers
  • 320 g coffee
  • 2 tablespoons marsala
  • bitter cocoa powder (for decoration)

For the syrup to pasteurize eggs

  • 50 g water
  • 160 g sugar


  1. Start by preparing the coffee: I usually prepare the 2 or 3 cup moka 3 times. Once prepared, let it cool.
  2. Separate the yolks from the whites in two separate bowls: make sure there are no traces of yolk in the whites otherwise they won’t whip.
  3. In a bowl, blend the egg yolks very well. Meanwhile, in a saucepan, dissolve 80 g of sugar and 25 g of water and boil until the temperature reaches 118 degrees.
  4. To pasteurize the eggs it is necessary for the temperature to reach 121 degrees, but by removing it from 118 degrees the cooking will continue to continue up to 121 degrees.
  5. Remove from the heat and slowly pour the syrup directly into the bowl with the egg yolks and continue whisking until the mixture is light and fluffy. Whip for at least 5 minutes.
  6. Then add the mascarpone, the Marsala and mix with a wooden spoon or a hand whisk until you have a smooth and homogeneous cream, free of lumps and nice soda. Cover and place in the fridge.
  7. After having washed the whisks well, whisk the egg whites and dissolve the remaining sugar and water in a saucepan and boil until the temperature reaches 118 degrees. To pasteurize the egg whites it is necessary for the temperature to reach 121 degrees, but by removing it from 118 degrees the cooking will continue to continue up to 121 degrees.
  8. Remove from the heat and slowly pour the syrup directly into the bowl with the whipped egg whites and continue whipping with the whisk until you obtain a frothy, dense and shiny mixture. Whip for at least 5 minutes.
  9. Add the egg white to the mascarpone cream three times, with delicate movements from bottom to top.
  10. Dip the ladyfingers in the now cooled coffee: you can leave them whole or break them into pieces.
  11. Take a baking dish and cover the entire surface with a first layer of ladyfingers.
  12. Pour half the mascarpone cream and repeat the operation.
    Place in the fridge to harden for 4 hours (without cocoa).
  13. Another trick: just before serving the tiramisu, sprinkle it with cocoa over the entire surface. Not before, otherwise the cocoa will take on moisture in the fridge and completely change colour.Happy tiramisu everyone!