marble cake recipes

Marble Cake


Fancy a classic cake recipe? Then bake this marble cake (marble bundt cake) using our recipe and spoil yourself and your guests.


  • 200g Butter, soft
  • 175​ Sugar
  • 1 parcel vanilla sugar
  • 1 pinch Salt
  • 4 Eggs
  • 350​ Flour
  • 2 Tea spoons baking powder
  • 2,5​ Full cream
  • 100 g dark chocolate, melted, cooled


  1. Beat the butter until peaks form. Stir in the sugar, vanilla sugar and salt. Add the eggs and beat until the mixture is light. Mix the flour and baking powder and sift in. Stir in the cream.
  2. Pour half of the dough into the buttered and floured tin. Stir the chocolate into the remaining dough. Place on the light dough and mix with a fork to create a spiral shape (marble).
  3. Bake in the lower part of the oven preheated to 180°C for 50-60 minutes, then allow to cool.