Soft chocolate donut recipes jpg

Soft chocolate donut


Today I leave you the recipe for the SOFT CHOCOLATE DONUT? moist inside and super delicious!!

Thanks to the use of hazelnut flour (which can easily be made by chopping unroasted hazelnuts) the donut will be very soft and will last very soft even for 5/6 days, stored under a glass bell jar.


  • 170 g flour
  • 80 g hazelnut or almond flour
  • 150 g sugar, granulated
  • 3 eggs
  • 100 g dark chocolate
  • 20 g cocoa powder
  • 100 g butter or 80 ml oil
  • 180 ml milk
  • 1 sachet of baking powder


  1. Melt the dark chocolate in Bain Maria or 2 minutes in the microwave.
  2. Beat the eggs with the sugar then add the melted butter or oil and finally the milk.
  3. Add the melted dark chocolate and mix well.
  4. Sift the flour with the baking powder and cocoa powder over the mixture.
  5. Lastly, add the hazelnut flour (almond flour can also be fine).
  6. Mix until you obtain a smooth mixture without lumps.
  7. Butter and flour a classic donut mold and pour the mixture.
  8. Cook in a hot ventilated oven at 160° (or static 180°) for about 40 minutes then do the toothpick test before taking the cake out of the oven.
  9. Leave to cool and garnish with icing sugar.